Source code for ansible_runner.config.runner

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# pylint: disable=W0201

import json
import logging
import os
import shlex
import stat
import tempfile
import shutil

from ansible_runner import output
from ansible_runner.config._base import BaseConfig, BaseExecutionMode
from ansible_runner.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from ansible_runner.output import debug
from ansible_runner.utils import register_for_cleanup

logger = logging.getLogger('ansible-runner')

class ExecutionMode():
    NONE = 0
    ANSIBLE = 1
    RAW = 3

[docs]class RunnerConfig(BaseConfig): """ A ``Runner`` configuration object that's meant to encapsulate the configuration used by the :py:mod:`ansible_runner.runner.Runner` object to launch and manage the invocation of ``ansible`` and ``ansible-playbook`` Typically this object is initialized for you when using the standard ``run`` interfaces in :py:mod:`ansible_runner.interface` but can be used to construct the ``Runner`` configuration to be invoked elsewhere. It can also be overridden to provide different functionality to the Runner object. :Example: >>> rc = RunnerConfig(...) >>> r = Runner(config=rc) >>> """ def __init__(self, private_data_dir, playbook=None, inventory=None, roles_path=None, limit=None, module=None, module_args=None, verbosity=None, host_pattern=None, binary=None, extravars=None, suppress_output_file=False, suppress_ansible_output=False, process_isolation_path=None, process_isolation_hide_paths=None, process_isolation_show_paths=None, process_isolation_ro_paths=None, tags=None, skip_tags=None, directory_isolation_base_path=None, forks=None, cmdline=None, omit_event_data=False, only_failed_event_data=False, **kwargs): self.runner_mode = "pexpect" super().__init__(private_data_dir, **kwargs) self.playbook = playbook self.inventory = inventory self.roles_path = roles_path self.limit = limit self.module = module self.module_args = module_args self.host_pattern = host_pattern self.binary = binary self.extra_vars = extravars self.process_isolation_path = process_isolation_path self.process_isolation_path_actual = None self.process_isolation_hide_paths = process_isolation_hide_paths self.process_isolation_show_paths = process_isolation_show_paths self.process_isolation_ro_paths = process_isolation_ro_paths self.directory_isolation_path = directory_isolation_base_path self.verbosity = verbosity self.suppress_output_file = suppress_output_file self.suppress_ansible_output = suppress_ansible_output self.tags = tags self.skip_tags = skip_tags self.execution_mode = ExecutionMode.NONE self.forks = forks self.cmdline_args = cmdline self.omit_event_data = omit_event_data self.only_failed_event_data = only_failed_event_data @property def sandboxed(self): return self.process_isolation and self.process_isolation_executable not in self._CONTAINER_ENGINES def prepare(self): """ Performs basic checks and then properly invokes - prepare_inventory - prepare_env - prepare_command It's also responsible for wrapping the command with the proper ssh agent invocation and setting early ANSIBLE_ environment variables. """ # ansible_path = find_executable('ansible') # if ansible_path is None or not os.access(ansible_path, os.X_OK): # raise ConfigurationError("Ansible not found. Make sure that it is installed.") if self.private_data_dir is None: raise ConfigurationError("Runner Base Directory is not defined") if self.module and self.playbook: raise ConfigurationError("Only one of playbook and module options are allowed") if not os.path.exists(self.artifact_dir): os.makedirs(self.artifact_dir, mode=0o700) # Since the `sandboxed` property references attributes that may come from `env/settings`, # we must call prepare_env() before we can reference it. self.prepare_env() if self.sandboxed and self.directory_isolation_path is not None: self.directory_isolation_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='runner_di_', dir=self.directory_isolation_path) if os.path.exists(self.project_dir): output.debug(f"Copying directory tree from {self.project_dir} to {self.directory_isolation_path} for working directory isolation") shutil.copytree(self.project_dir, self.directory_isolation_path, dirs_exist_ok=True, symlinks=True) self.prepare_inventory() self.prepare_command() if self.execution_mode == ExecutionMode.ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK and self.playbook is None: raise ConfigurationError("Runner playbook required when running ansible-playbook") if self.execution_mode == ExecutionMode.ANSIBLE and self.module is None: raise ConfigurationError("Runner module required when running ansible") if self.execution_mode == ExecutionMode.NONE: raise ConfigurationError("No executable for runner to run") self.handle_command_wrap() debug('env:') for k, v in sorted(self.env.items()): debug(f' {k}: {v}') if hasattr(self, 'command') and isinstance(self.command, list): debug(f"command: {' '.join(self.command)}") def prepare_inventory(self): """ Prepares the inventory default under ``private_data_dir`` if it's not overridden by the constructor. We make sure that if inventory is a path, that it is an absolute path. """ if self.containerized: self.inventory = '/runner/inventory' return if self.inventory is None: # At this point we expect self.private_data_dir to be an absolute path # since that is expanded in the base class. if os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.private_data_dir, "inventory")): self.inventory = os.path.join(self.private_data_dir, "inventory") elif isinstance(self.inventory, str) and os.path.exists(self.inventory): self.inventory = os.path.abspath(self.inventory) def prepare_env(self): """ Manages reading environment metadata files under ``private_data_dir`` and merging/updating with existing values so the :py:class:`ansible_runner.runner.Runner` object can read and use them easily """ # setup common env settings super().prepare_env() self.process_isolation_path = self.settings.get('process_isolation_path', self.process_isolation_path) self.process_isolation_hide_paths = self.settings.get('process_isolation_hide_paths', self.process_isolation_hide_paths) self.process_isolation_show_paths = self.settings.get('process_isolation_show_paths', self.process_isolation_show_paths) self.process_isolation_ro_paths = self.settings.get('process_isolation_ro_paths', self.process_isolation_ro_paths) self.directory_isolation_path = self.settings.get('directory_isolation_base_path', self.directory_isolation_path) self.directory_isolation_cleanup = bool(self.settings.get('directory_isolation_cleanup', True)) if 'AD_HOC_COMMAND_ID' in self.env or not os.path.exists(self.project_dir): self.cwd = self.private_data_dir else: if self.directory_isolation_path is not None: self.cwd = self.directory_isolation_path else: self.cwd = self.project_dir if 'fact_cache' in self.settings: if 'fact_cache_type' in self.settings: if self.settings['fact_cache_type'] == 'jsonfile': self.fact_cache = os.path.join(self.artifact_dir, self.settings['fact_cache']) else: self.fact_cache = os.path.join(self.artifact_dir, self.settings['fact_cache']) if self.roles_path: if isinstance(self.roles_path, list): self.env['ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH'] = ':'.join(self.roles_path) else: self.env['ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH'] = self.roles_path self.env["RUNNER_OMIT_EVENTS"] = str(self.omit_event_data) self.env["RUNNER_ONLY_FAILED_EVENTS"] = str(self.only_failed_event_data) def prepare_command(self): try: cmdline_args = self.loader.load_file('args', str, encoding=None) self.command = shlex.split(cmdline_args) self.execution_mode = ExecutionMode.RAW except ConfigurationError: self.command = self.generate_ansible_command() def generate_ansible_command(self): """ Given that the ``RunnerConfig`` preparation methods have been run to gather the inputs this method will generate the ``ansible`` or ``ansible-playbook`` command that will be used by the :py:class:`ansible_runner.runner.Runner` object to start the process """ if self.binary is not None: base_command = self.binary self.execution_mode = ExecutionMode.RAW elif self.module is not None: base_command = 'ansible' self.execution_mode = ExecutionMode.ANSIBLE else: base_command = 'ansible-playbook' self.execution_mode = ExecutionMode.ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK exec_list = [base_command] try: if self.cmdline_args: cmdline_args = self.cmdline_args else: cmdline_args = self.loader.load_file('env/cmdline', str, encoding=None) args = shlex.split(cmdline_args) exec_list.extend(args) except ConfigurationError: pass if self.inventory is None: pass elif isinstance(self.inventory, list): for i in self.inventory: exec_list.append("-i") exec_list.append(i) else: exec_list.append("-i") exec_list.append(self.inventory) if self.limit is not None: exec_list.append("--limit") exec_list.append(self.limit) if self.loader.isfile('env/extravars'): if self.containerized: extravars_path = '/runner/env/extravars' else: extravars_path = self.loader.abspath('env/extravars') exec_list.extend(['-e', f'@{extravars_path}']) if self.extra_vars: if isinstance(self.extra_vars, dict) and self.extra_vars: extra_vars_list = [] for k in self.extra_vars: extra_vars_list.append(f"\"{k}\":{json.dumps(self.extra_vars[k])}") exec_list.extend( [ '-e', f'{{{",".join(extra_vars_list)}}}' ] ) elif self.loader.isfile(self.extra_vars): exec_list.extend(['-e', f'@{self.loader.abspath(self.extra_vars)}']) if self.verbosity: v = 'v' * self.verbosity exec_list.append(f'-{v}') if self.tags: exec_list.extend(['--tags', self.tags]) if self.skip_tags: exec_list.extend(['--skip-tags', self.skip_tags]) if self.forks: exec_list.extend(['--forks', str(self.forks)]) # Other parameters if self.execution_mode == ExecutionMode.ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK: exec_list.append(self.playbook) elif self.execution_mode == ExecutionMode.ANSIBLE: exec_list.append("-m") exec_list.append(self.module) if self.module_args is not None: exec_list.append("-a") exec_list.append(self.module_args) if self.host_pattern is not None: exec_list.append(self.host_pattern) return exec_list def build_process_isolation_temp_dir(self): ''' Create a temporary directory for process isolation to use. ''' path = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='ansible_runner_pi_', dir=self.process_isolation_path) os.chmod(path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR) register_for_cleanup(path) return path def wrap_args_for_sandbox(self, args): ''' Wrap existing command line with bwrap to restrict access to: - self.process_isolation_path (generally, /tmp) (except for own /tmp files) ''' cwd = os.path.realpath(self.cwd) self.process_isolation_path_actual = self.build_process_isolation_temp_dir() new_args = [self.process_isolation_executable or 'bwrap'] new_args.extend([ '--die-with-parent', '--unshare-pid', '--dev-bind', '/dev', 'dev', '--proc', '/proc', '--dir', '/tmp', '--ro-bind', '/bin', '/bin', '--ro-bind', '/etc', '/etc', '--ro-bind', '/usr', '/usr', '--ro-bind', '/opt', '/opt', '--symlink', 'usr/lib', '/lib', '--symlink', 'usr/lib64', '/lib64', ]) for path in sorted(set(self.process_isolation_hide_paths or [])): if not os.path.exists(path): logger.debug('hide path not found: %s', path) continue path = os.path.realpath(path) if os.path.isdir(path): new_path = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=self.process_isolation_path_actual) os.chmod(new_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR) else: handle, new_path = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=self.process_isolation_path_actual) os.close(handle) os.chmod(new_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) new_args.extend(['--bind', new_path, path]) if self.private_data_dir: show_paths = [self.private_data_dir] else: show_paths = [cwd] for path in sorted(set(self.process_isolation_ro_paths or [])): if not os.path.exists(path): logger.debug('read-only path not found: %s', path) continue path = os.path.realpath(path) new_args.extend(['--ro-bind', path, path]) show_paths.extend(self.process_isolation_show_paths or []) for path in sorted(set(show_paths)): if not os.path.exists(path): logger.debug('show path not found: %s', path) continue path = os.path.realpath(path) new_args.extend(['--bind', path, path]) if self.execution_mode == ExecutionMode.ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK: # playbook runs should cwd to the SCM checkout dir if self.directory_isolation_path is not None: new_args.extend(['--chdir', os.path.realpath(self.directory_isolation_path)]) else: new_args.extend(['--chdir', os.path.realpath(self.project_dir)]) elif self.execution_mode == ExecutionMode.ANSIBLE: # ad-hoc runs should cwd to the root of the private data dir new_args.extend(['--chdir', os.path.realpath(self.private_data_dir)]) new_args.extend(args) return new_args def handle_command_wrap(self): # wrap args for ssh-agent if self.ssh_key_data: debug('ssh-agent agrs added') self.command = self.wrap_args_with_ssh_agent(self.command, self.ssh_key_path) if self.sandboxed: debug('sandbox enabled') self.command = self.wrap_args_for_sandbox(self.command) else: debug('sandbox disabled') if self.containerized: debug('containerization enabled') # container volume mount is handled explicitly for run API's # using 'container_volume_mounts' arguments base_execution_mode = BaseExecutionMode.NONE self.command = self.wrap_args_for_containerization(self.command, base_execution_mode, self.cmdline_args) else: debug('containerization disabled')