.. _standalone: Using Runner as a standalone command line tool ============================================== The **Ansible Runner** command line tool can be used as a standard command line interface to **Ansible** itself but is primarily intended to fit into automation and pipeline workflows. Because of this, it has a bit of a different workflow than **Ansible** itself because you can select between a few different modes to launch the command. While you can launch **Runner** and provide it all of the inputs as arguments to the command line (as you do with **Ansible** itself), there is another interface where inputs are gathered into a single location referred to in the command line parameters as ``private_data_dir``. (see :ref:`inputdir`) To view the parameters accepted by ``ansible-runner``:: $ ansible-runner --help An example invocation of the standalone ``ansible-runner`` utility:: $ ansible-runner -p playbook.yml run /tmp/private Where playbook.yml is the playbook from the ``/tmp/private/projects`` directory, and ``run`` is the command mode you want to invoke **Runner** with The different **commands** that runner accepts are: * ``run`` starts ``ansible-runner`` in the foreground and waits until the underlying **Ansible** process completes before returning * ``start`` starts ``ansible-runner`` as a background daemon process and generates a pid file * ``stop`` terminates an ``ansible-runner`` process that was launched in the background with ``start`` * ``is-alive`` checks the status of an ``ansible-runner`` process that was started in the background with ``start`` * ``adhoc`` will run ad-hoc ``ansible`` commands inside a containerized Ansible Execution Environment * ``playbook`` will run ``ansible-playbook`` commands inside a containerized Ansible Execution Environment While **Runner** is running it creates an ``artifacts`` directory (see :ref:`artifactdir`) regardless of what mode it was started in. The resulting output and status from **Ansible** will be located here. You can control the exact location underneath the ``artifacts`` directory with the ``-i IDENT`` argument to ``ansible-runner``, otherwise a random UUID will be generated. Executing **Runner** in the foreground -------------------------------------- When launching **Runner** with the ``run`` command, as above, the program will stay in the foreground and you'll see output just as you expect from a normal **Ansible** process. **Runner** will still populate the ``artifacts`` directory, as mentioned in the previous section, to preserve the output and allow processing of the artifacts after exit. Executing **Runner** in the background -------------------------------------- When launching **Runner** with the ``start`` command, the program will generate a pid file and move to the background. You can check its status with the ``is-alive`` command, or terminate it with the ``stop`` command. You can find the stdout, status, and return code in the ``artifacts`` directory. Running Playbooks ----------------- An example invocation using ``demo`` as private directory:: $ ansible-runner --playbook test.yml run demo Running Modules Directly ------------------------ An example invocating the ``debug`` module with ``demo`` as a private directory:: $ ansible-runner -m debug --hosts localhost -a msg=hello run demo Running Roles Directly ---------------------- An example invocation using ``demo`` as private directory and ``localhost`` as target:: $ ansible-runner --role testrole --hosts localhost run demo Ansible roles directory can be provided with ``--roles-path`` option. Role variables can be passed with ``--role-vars`` at runtime. .. _outputjson: Running with Process Isolation ------------------------------ **Runner** supports process isolation. Process isolation creates a new mount namespace where the root is on a tmpfs that is invisible from the host and is automatically cleaned up when the last process exits. You can enable process isolation by providing the ``--process-isolation`` argument on the command line. **Runner** as of version 2.0 defaults to using ``podman`` as the process isolation executable, but supports using any executable that is compatible with the ``bubblewrap`` CLI arguments by passing in the ``--process-isolation-executable`` argument:: $ ansible-runner --process-isolation ... **Runner** supports various process isolation arguments that allow you to provide configuration details to the process isolation executable. To view the complete list of arguments accepted by ``ansible-runner``:: $ ansible-runner --help Running with Directory Isolation -------------------------------- If you need to be able to execute multiple tasks in parallel that might conflict with each other or if you want to make sure a single invocation of Ansible/Runner doesn't pollute or overwrite the playbook content you can give a base path:: $ ansible-runner --directory-isolation-base-path /tmp/runner **Runner** will copy the project directory to a temporary directory created under that path, set it as the working directory, and execute from that location. After running that temp directory will be cleaned up and removed. Outputting json (raw event data) to the console instead of normal output ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Runner** supports outputting json event data structure directly to the console (and stdout file) instead of the standard **Ansible** output, thus mimicing the behavior of the ``json`` output plugin. This is in addition to the event data that's already present in the artifact directory. All that is needed is to supply the ``-j`` argument on the command line:: $ ansible-runner ... -j ... Cleaning up artifact directories -------------------------------- Using the command line argument ``--rotate-artifacts`` allows you to control the number of artifact directories that are present. Given a number as the parameter for this argument will cause **Runner** to clean up old artifact directories. The default value of ``0`` disables artifact directory cleanup.