Source code for ansible_runner.interface

# Copyright (c) 2016 Ansible by Red Hat, Inc.
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import threading
import logging

from ansible_runner import output
from ansible_runner.runner_config import RunnerConfig
from ansible_runner.runner import Runner
from ansible_runner.utils import (


[docs]def init_runner(**kwargs): ''' Initialize the Runner() instance This function will properly initialize both run() and run_async() functions in the same way and return a value instance of Runner. See parameters given to :py:func:`` ''' dump_artifacts(kwargs) debug = kwargs.pop('debug', None) logfile = kwargs.pop('logfile', None) if not kwargs.pop("ignore_logging", True): output.configure() if debug in (True, False): output.set_debug('enable' if debug is True else 'disable') if logfile: output.set_logfile(logfile) if kwargs.get("process_isolation", False): check_isolation_executable_installed(kwargs.get("process_isolation_executable", "bwrap")) event_callback_handler = kwargs.pop('event_handler', None) status_callback_handler = kwargs.pop('status_handler', None) cancel_callback = kwargs.pop('cancel_callback', None) finished_callback = kwargs.pop('finished_callback', None) rc = RunnerConfig(**kwargs) rc.prepare() return Runner(rc, event_handler=event_callback_handler, status_handler=status_callback_handler, cancel_callback=cancel_callback, finished_callback=finished_callback)
[docs]def run(**kwargs): ''' Run an Ansible Runner task in the foreground and return a Runner object when complete. :param private_data_dir: The directory containing all runner metadata needed to invoke the runner module. Output artifacts will also be stored here for later consumption. :param ident: The run identifier for this invocation of Runner. Will be used to create and name the artifact directory holding the results of the invocation. :param json_mode: Store event data in place of stdout on the console and in the stdout file :param playbook: The playbook (either supplied here as a list or string... or as a path relative to ``private_data_dir/project``) that will be invoked by runner when executing Ansible. :param module: The module that will be invoked in ad-hoc mode by runner when executing Ansible. :param module_args: The module arguments that will be supplied to ad-hoc mode. :param host_pattern: The host pattern to match when running in ad-hoc mode. :param inventory: Overridees the inventory directory/file (supplied at ``private_data_dir/inventory``) with a specific host or list of hosts. This can take the form of - Path to the inventory file in the ``private_data_dir`` - Native python dict supporting the YAML/json inventory structure - A text INI formatted string - A list of inventory sources, or an empty list to disable passing inventory :param roles_path: Directory or list of directories to assign to ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH :param envvars: Environment variables to be used when running Ansible. Environment variables will also be read from ``env/envvars`` in ``private_data_dir`` :param extravars: Extra variables to be passed to Ansible at runtime using ``-e``. Extra vars will also be read from ``env/extravars`` in ``private_data_dir``. :param passwords: A dictionary containing password prompt patterns and response values used when processing output from Ansible. Passwords will also be read from ``env/passwords`` in ``private_data_dir``. :param settings: A dictionary containing settings values for the ``ansible-runner`` runtime environment. These will also be read from ``env/settings`` in ``private_data_dir``. :param ssh_key: The ssh private key passed to ``ssh-agent`` as part of the ansible-playbook run. :param cmdline: Commnad line options passed to Ansible read from ``env/cmdline`` in ``private_data_dir`` :param limit: Matches ansible's ``--limit`` parameter to further constrain the inventory to be used :param forks: Control Ansible parallel concurrency :param verbosity: Control how verbose the output of ansible-playbook is :param quiet: Disable all output :param artifact_dir: The path to the directory where artifacts should live, this defaults to 'artifacts' under the private data dir :param project_dir: The path to the playbook content, this defaults to 'project' within the private data dir :param rotate_artifacts: Keep at most n artifact directories, disable with a value of 0 which is the default :param event_handler: An optional callback that will be invoked any time an event is received by Runner itself :param cancel_callback: An optional callback that can inform runner to cancel (returning True) or not (returning False) :param finished_callback: An optional callback that will be invoked at shutdown after process cleanup. :param status_handler: An optional callback that will be invoked any time the status changes (e.g...started, running, failed, successful, timeout) :param process_isolation: Enable limiting what directories on the filesystem the playbook run has access to. :param process_isolation_executable: Path to the executable that will be used to provide filesystem isolation (default: bwrap) :param process_isolation_path: Path that an isolated playbook run will use for staging. (default: /tmp) :param process_isolation_hide_paths: A path or list of paths on the system that should be hidden from the playbook run. :param process_isolation_show_paths: A path or list of paths on the system that should be exposed to the playbook run. :param process_isolation_ro_paths: A path or list of paths on the system that should be exposed to the playbook run as read-only. :param directory_isolation_base_path: An optional path will be used as the base path to create a temp directory, the project contents will be copied to this location which will then be used as the working directory during playbook execution. :param fact_cache: A string that will be used as the name for the subdirectory of the fact cache in artifacts directory. This is only used for 'jsonfile' type fact caches. :param fact_cache_type: A string of the type of fact cache to use. Defaults to 'jsonfile'. :type private_data_dir: str :type ident: str :type json_mode: bool :type playbook: str or filename or list :type inventory: str or dict or list :type envvars: dict :type extravars: dict :type passwords: dict :type settings: dict :type ssh_key: str :type artifact_dir: str :type project_dir: str :type rotate_artifacts: int :type cmdline: str :type limit: str :type forks: int :type quiet: bool :type verbosity: int :type event_handler: function :type cancel_callback: function :type finished_callback: function :type status_handler: function :type process_isolation: bool :type process_isolation_executable: str :type process_isolation_path: str :type process_isolation_hide_paths: str or list :type process_isolation_show_paths: str or list :type process_isolation_ro_paths: str or list :type directory_isolation_base_path: str :type fact_cache: str :type fact_cache_type: str :returns: A :py:class:`ansible_runner.runner.Runner` object ''' r = init_runner(**kwargs) return r
[docs]def run_async(**kwargs): ''' Runs an Ansible Runner task in the background which will start immediately. Returns the thread object and a Runner object. This uses the same parameters as :py:func:`` :returns: A tuple containing a :py:class:`threading.Thread` object and a :py:class:`ansible_runner.runner.Runner` object ''' r = init_runner(**kwargs) runner_thread = threading.Thread( runner_thread.start() return runner_thread, r