Source code for ansible_runner.runner_config

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import os
import re
import pipes
import threading
import pexpect
import stat
import shlex

from uuid import uuid4
from collections import Mapping
from distutils.spawn import find_executable

from six import iteritems, string_types

from ansible_runner import output
from ansible_runner.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from ansible_runner.loader import ArtifactLoader

[docs]class RunnerConfig(object): """ A ``Runner`` configuration object that's meant to encapsulate the configuration used by the :py:mod:`ansible_runner.runner.Runner` object to launch and manage the invocation of ``ansible`` and ``ansible-playbook`` Typically this object is initialized for you when using the standard ``run`` interfaces in :py:mod:`ansible_runner.interface` but can be used to construct the ``Runner`` configuration to be invoked elsewhere. It can also be overridden to provide different functionality to the Runner object. :Example: >>> rc = RunnerConfig(...) >>> r = Runner(config=rc) >>> """ def __init__(self, private_data_dir=None, playbook=None, ident=uuid4(), inventory=None, roles_path=None, limit=None, module=None, module_args=None, verbosity=None, quiet=False, json_mode=False, artifact_dir=None, rotate_artifacts=0, host_pattern=None): self.private_data_dir = os.path.abspath(private_data_dir) self.ident = ident self.json_mode = json_mode self.playbook = playbook self.inventory = inventory self.roles_path = roles_path self.limit = limit self.module = module self.module_args = module_args self.host_pattern = host_pattern self.rotate_artifacts = rotate_artifacts self.artifact_dir = artifact_dir or self.private_data_dir if self.ident is None: self.artifact_dir = os.path.join(self.artifact_dir, "artifacts") else: self.artifact_dir = os.path.join(self.artifact_dir, "artifacts", "{}".format(self.ident)) self.extra_vars = None self.verbosity = verbosity self.quiet = quiet self.loader = ArtifactLoader(self.private_data_dir)
[docs] def prepare(self): """ Performs basic checks and then properly invokes - prepare_inventory - prepare_env - prepare_command It's also responsible for wrapping the command with the proper ssh agent invocation and setting early ANSIBLE_ environment variables. """ ansible_path = find_executable('ansible') if ansible_path is None or not os.access(ansible_path, os.X_OK): raise ConfigurationError("Ansible not found. Make sure that it is installed.") if self.private_data_dir is None: raise ConfigurationError("Runner Base Directory is not defined") if self.module is None and self.playbook is None: # TODO: ad-hoc mode, module and args raise ConfigurationError("Runner playbook or module is not defined") if self.module and self.playbook: raise ConfigurationError("Only one of playbook and module options are allowed") if not os.path.exists(self.artifact_dir): os.makedirs(self.artifact_dir) self.prepare_inventory() self.prepare_env() self.prepare_command() # write the SSH key data into a fifo read by ssh-agent if self.ssh_key_data: self.ssh_key_path = os.path.join(self.artifact_dir, 'ssh_key_data') self.ssh_auth_sock = os.path.join(self.artifact_dir, 'ssh_auth.sock') self.open_fifo_write(self.ssh_key_path, self.ssh_key_data) self.command = self.wrap_args_with_ssh_agent(self.command, self.ssh_key_path, self.ssh_auth_sock) # Use local callback directory callback_dir = os.getenv('AWX_LIB_DIRECTORY') if callback_dir is None: callback_dir = os.path.join(os.path.split(os.path.abspath(__file__))[0], "callbacks") self.env['ANSIBLE_CALLBACK_PLUGINS'] = callback_dir if 'AD_HOC_COMMAND_ID' in self.env: self.env['ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK'] = 'minimal' else: self.env['ANSIBLE_STDOUT_CALLBACK'] = 'awx_display' self.env['ANSIBLE_RETRY_FILES_ENABLED'] = 'False' self.env['ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING'] = 'False' self.env['AWX_ISOLATED_DATA_DIR'] = self.artifact_dir self.env['PYTHONPATH'] = self.env.get('PYTHONPATH', '') + callback_dir + ':' if self.roles_path: self.env['ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH'] = ':'.join(self.roles_path)
[docs] def prepare_inventory(self): """ Prepares the inventory default under ``private_data_dir`` if it's not overridden by the constructor. """ if self.inventory is None: self.inventory = os.path.join(self.private_data_dir, "inventory")
[docs] def prepare_env(self): """ Manages reading environment metadata files under ``private_data_dir`` and merging/updating with existing values so the :py:class:`ansible_runner.runner.Runner` object can read and use them easily """ try: passwords = self.loader.load_file('env/passwords', Mapping) self.expect_passwords = { re.compile(pattern, re.M): password for pattern, password in iteritems(passwords) } except ConfigurationError as exc: output.debug('Not loading passwords') self.expect_passwords = dict() self.expect_passwords[pexpect.TIMEOUT] = None self.expect_passwords[pexpect.EOF] = None try: # seed env with existing shell env self.env = os.environ.copy() envvars = self.loader.load_file('env/envvars', Mapping) if envvars: self.env.update({k:str(v) for k, v in envvars.items()}) except ConfigurationError as exc: output.debug("Not loading environment vars") # Still need to pass default environment to pexpect self.env = os.environ.copy() if self.loader.isfile('env/extravars'): self.extra_vars = self.loader.abspath('env/extravars') try: self.settings = self.loader.load_file('env/settings', Mapping) except ConfigurationError as exc: output.debug("Not loading settings") self.settings = dict() try: self.ssh_key_data = self.loader.load_file('env/ssh_key', string_types) except ConfigurationError as exc: output.debug("Not loading ssh key") self.ssh_key_data = None self.idle_timeout = self.settings.get('idle_timeout', None) self.job_timeout = self.settings.get('job_timeout', None) self.pexpect_timeout = self.settings.get('pexpect_timeout', 5) self.pexpect_use_poll = self.settings.get('pexpect_use_poll', True) self.suppress_ansible_output = self.settings.get('suppress_ansible_output', self.quiet) if 'AD_HOC_COMMAND_ID' in self.env or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.private_data_dir, 'project')): self.cwd = self.private_data_dir else: self.cwd = os.path.join(self.private_data_dir, 'project')
[docs] def prepare_command(self): """ Determines if the literal ``ansible`` or ``ansible-playbook`` commands are given and if not calls :py:meth:`ansible_runner.runner_config.RunnerConfig.generate_ansible_command` """ try: self.command = self.loader.load_file('args', string_types) except ConfigurationError: self.command = self.generate_ansible_command()
[docs] def generate_ansible_command(self): """ Given that the ``RunnerConfig`` preparation methods have been run to gather the inputs this method will generate the ``ansible`` or ``ansible-playbook`` command that will be used by the :py:class:`ansible_runner.runner.Runner` object to start the process """ if self.module is not None: base_command = 'ansible' else: base_command = 'ansible-playbook' exec_list = [base_command] try: cmdline_args = self.loader.load_file('env/cmdline', string_types) args = shlex.split(cmdline_args.decode('utf-8')) exec_list.extend(args) except ConfigurationError: pass exec_list.append("-i") exec_list.append(self.inventory) if self.limit is not None: exec_list.append("--limit") exec_list.append(self.limit) if self.extra_vars: exec_list.extend(['-e', '@%s' % self.extra_vars]) if self.verbosity: v = 'v' * self.verbosity exec_list.append('-%s' % v) # Other parameters if base_command.endswith('ansible-playbook'): exec_list.append(self.playbook) elif base_command == 'ansible': exec_list.append("-m") exec_list.append(self.module) if self.module_args is not None: exec_list.append("-a") exec_list.append(self.module_args) if self.host_pattern is not None: exec_list.append(self.host_pattern) return exec_list
[docs] def wrap_args_with_ssh_agent(self, args, ssh_key_path, ssh_auth_sock=None, silence_ssh_add=False): """ Given an existing command line and parameterization this will return the same command line wrapped with the necessary calls to ``ssh-agent`` """ if ssh_key_path: ssh_add_command = self.args2cmdline('ssh-add', ssh_key_path) if silence_ssh_add: ssh_add_command = ' '.join([ssh_add_command, '2>/dev/null']) cmd = ' && '.join([ssh_add_command, self.args2cmdline('rm', '-f', ssh_key_path), self.args2cmdline(*args)]) args = ['ssh-agent'] if ssh_auth_sock: args.extend(['-a', ssh_auth_sock]) args.extend(['sh', '-c', cmd]) return args
[docs] def open_fifo_write(self, path, data): # TODO: Switch to utility function '''open_fifo_write opens the fifo named pipe in a new thread. This blocks the thread until an external process (such as ssh-agent) reads data from the pipe. ''' os.mkfifo(path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR) threading.Thread(target=lambda p, d: open(p, 'wb').write(d), args=(path, data)).start()
[docs] def args2cmdline(self, *args): # TODO: switch to utility function return ' '.join([pipes.quote(a) for a in args])